Discipline and grievance

Disciplinary and grievance issues can be a major burden to employers. Putting in place and following the right procedures is essential.

A woman gets a verbal warning at work

Disciplinary issues FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions on disciplining employees, including grounds for disciplinary action and what to do in specific circumstances.

A man is sacked for gross misconduct

Gross misconduct FAQs

Sacking an employee for gross misconduct can be tricky, and getting it wrong could lead to an employment tribunal. Our FAQs answer the frequent questions on gross misconduct.

Man in a suit holding a pen disciplining a woman in a a white top

Discipline and grievance toolkit

Handling a discipline or grievance issue is never easy. Save time and money with these readymade discipline and grievance policies and templates.

Employee looking fed up and gesturing towards another employee

Grievance issues FAQs

Not sure what to do if an employee has filed a workplace grievance? Our FAQs answer some of your most common concerns about the law.

Employee leaving office with box containing plant and files

Terminating an employee's contract

From reclaiming your business' property to ensuring your confidential information is kept secret, you must make sure that everything you do is legal.