Dismissals and redundancies

Following the right dismissal and redundancy procedures helps protect your business and minimise the risk of a legal dispute at tribunal.

Dismissals and redundancies - overview

Sometimes it may be necessary to dismiss a member of staff or make them redundant. Following the right procedures helps protect your business and minimises the risk of a legal dispute at tribunal.

Man leaving office  with possessions - Redundancy FAQs

Redundancy FAQs

Read our frequently asked questions about making employees redundant, including what procedures to follow and alternatives to consider.

A man leaves his job after accepting a settlement agreement from his employer

Settlement agreements

Under a settlement agreement, a compensation payment is typically given to the employee in return for the employee agreeing not to make any claims against the employer.

An employee deeply concerned over his redundancy

Essential guide to redundancy

A shift in the economic climate, merger or move to a new location can all make redundancies inevitable. Our overview of how to manage redundancies.

A man is consoling a colleague who has been dismissed

Dismissing employees FAQs

FAQs on dismissing employees, including disciplinary procedures and what to do about claims of constructive or wrongful dismissal.

Woman writing references

Giving references

Writing a reference for an ex-employee can land you in legal hot water. Understand your rights and obligations when providing references.

Two members of staff have a disagreement over work

Dismissing employees: key facts

Always take advice before dismissing employees. They could bring one or a combination of three claims against you if you handle the dismissal badly.

Woman in a blue and white striped shirt holding her thumb down

Giving references FAQs

Giving references - answers to common questions about what references you must give employees and the possible consequences

Woman upset at home office holding a red mug up to her head with both hands

Making redundancies

You may be able to avoid making redundancies at all. However, if it does become necessary you need to follow the right procedures - read our guide.

A female HR manager meets with a female employee to discuss her employment

Making redundancy a last resort

If you need to cut costs, you don’t always need to make redundancies. We list some ways you can cut your costs, not your workforce.

Employee leaving office with box containing plant and files

Terminating an employee's contract

From reclaiming your business' property to ensuring your confidential information is kept secret, you must make sure that everything you do is legal.