Pay and pensions

Every business needs to be aware of its obligations under minimum wage and equal pay laws, as well as recent pensions auto-enrolment changes.

Pay and pensions - overview

Every business needs to be aware of its obligations under minimum wage and equal pay laws, as well as recent pensions auto-enrolment changes.

Justice scale with 'Men' and 'Women' in the two sides of the scales

Equal pay FAQs

Want to know your obligations when it comes to equal pay for your employees, including disputes and tricky issues? Read our useful FAQs.


Essential guide to remuneration

It's essential to get your remuneration packages right to attract and retain reliable employees with the skills your business needs. Our guide.

A string of bunting spelling out the word Wages

The minimum wage FAQs

20 FAQs people ask about the minimum wage - from the current rate to who is entitled and what hours, benefits and payments qualify.

Stack of coins with plants on top of them with an alarm clock in the background

Pension auto-enrolment FAQs

Find out how the pension auto-enrolment rules affect your business. Answers to common questions about your obligations as an employer.

A group of office workers stand around a table looking at a computer

Tax-advantaged employee share schemes

Employee share schemes can help you recruit, retain and incentivise employees by giving them a direct financial interest in the company's success.