Starting up

Business man writing on a flipchart in front of woman


Choosing a business name FAQs

Your business name can be a valuable asset you can include in your balance sheet, sell, mortgage to raise money or license to others.

Sector specific law

Business ownership and management

Female business executive explains something to another seated female business executive


New director induction

New directors are likely to require some key information and training when they are first appointed, including on their role and responsibilities.

Finance and business strategy

Man and woman shaking hands on agreement to collaborate


Joint ventures FAQs

Different ways two or more businesses can work together, and the most important legal and other issues that need to be addressed.

Employment law

Marketing and selling

Entrepreneur checks and dispatches the orders he received via his ecommerce site


Trading online FAQs

When selling online to individuals you must provide certain information to them and ensure they agree to your terms and conditions.

Contracts, disputes

The letters DEBT on wooden blocks wiht more blocks being stacked on top


How to collect debts - checklist

Almost every business will experience late payment at some point. This practical checklist will help you recover the money you are owed.

Commercial premises law

Person looking at financial figures next to model of premises


Rent reviews FAQs

Rent reviews are a mechanism for adjusting a tenant’s rent to the current market level. You negotiate a rent review with your landlord.

Health and safety

Data protection and IT

A shop displaying rows of laptops and computer monitors


Purchasing IT FAQs

How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.

Intellectual property

Patents files


Patenting your invention FAQs

What you need to know if you are considering patenting your invention, including why you should do it, using an agent and the costs involved

Exit strategies