IT law

As part of your IT management, which includes purchasing and maintaining IT, you should make sure you understand and manage any legal issues involved.

IT law - overview

As part of your IT management, which includes purchasing and maintaining IT, you should make sure you understand and manage any legal issues involved.

A shop displaying rows of laptops and computer monitors

Purchasing IT FAQs

How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.

Web developer's computer screen

Your website legal FAQs

Legal issues surrounding your website, including domain registration and protection, content, and the legal statements you're required to include


Your website and the law

There are a number of legal issues you need to be aware of when building your website, from intellectual property protection to advertising and distance selling rules.

Abstract graphic with "cookies" written on it

Keep your web cookies legal

To comply with web cookie laws, businesses are required to install a method of requesting user consent, or remove web cookies completely