Shares and shareholders - overview
Your company articles of association usually set out shareholders' rights. You can use a separate shareholders agreement to cover other key issues.
Your company articles of association usually set out shareholders' rights. You can use a separate shareholders agreement to cover other key issues.
Your company articles of association usually set out shareholders' rights. You can use a separate shareholders agreement to cover other key issues.
How to deal with private company shares and options. Reasons and procedures for issuing new shares, tax considerations and other common questions.
Shareholders’ rights and obligations. Company articles of association and shareholders’ agreements. Partnerships and partnership agreements.
Making sure you follow the rules for holding shareholder meetings and taking decisions, in line with company law and your articles of association.
How to use a shareholders’ agreement to protect different shareholders rights. Key issues to cover including plans, shareholder vetos and share transfers
FAQS on the rules relating to selling your shares back to the company. Legal restrictions and authorisations required, procedures to follow, tax consequences