Dispute resolution

Effective dispute resolution before litigation helps minimise the costs and damage to relationships that can arise from commercial disputes.

Dispute resolution - overview

Effective dispute resolution before litigation helps minimise the costs and damage to relationships that can arise from commercial disputes.

Two employees in suits sat at a desk resolving a dispute

Alternative dispute resolution FAQs

Agents and distributors can be a great way to market your products, however there are risks and it's important to have a proper agreement in place.

A solicitor on the phone to a client

Commercial disputes FAQs

Involved in a commercial dispute? Unsure how to resolve it or what happens next if you someone threatens to sue you? Read our practical FAQs.

Two businesspeople argue over a contract disagreement

How to settle disputes

Ten practical ways your small business may be able to improve its chances of a favourable outcome when trying to settle commercial disputes

A man holds up his hand to indicate someone should stop

What is an injunction?

An injunction can stop the other side in a dispute from disposing of assets to stop you enforcing your rights. Find out how to get an injunction.