Finger amputations are the most common hand and wrist injuries at work, especially for those who work with or around sharp-edged equipment and machinery. In the blink of an eye, your life can change, and you can be left out of work, with long-term and life-altering injuries.
When this happens, you want to know that you are protected and can be appropriately compensated. To help you through this challenging time, our guide answers your common questions about claiming compensation for an amputated finger.
What can I claim for amputated fingers at work?
Each claim is different, but you might be able to claim assistance, medical expenses, and any damages payouts if your finger or fingers are amputated at work. We have outlined the potential claims you can make below:
- Medical expenses - for any reasonable and necessary expenses that are caused by your injury
- Weekly payments - which are calculated in line with your pre-injury wages
- Domestic assistance - should your amputation mean you need ongoing support
- Lump-sum payment
- Common law/work injury damages payment - if your employer was negligent
When making your claim, consider carefully which of these claims you can apply for. You might be able to claim for several, especially if the injury has left you unable to continue in your current role or your employer is at fault. You can seek legal advice if you are unsure which claims best fit your case.
How do I claim compensation for amputated fingers at work?
To claim compensation for amputated fingers at work, you can follow our steps below. Remember to seek medical attention immediately to ensure your health is not impacted before making your claim.
Step 1 - Seek legal advice
To start, reach out to law firms that specialise in compensation claims for injuries. These will have the experience you need to ensure that your claim is successful. We recommend starting with a free consultation or no-obligation call where you can discuss the claim further and see what you might be entitled to.
It is also worth looking for lawyers who operate on a no-win, no-fee basis. This will prevent you from being left with costly legal fees if your claim is unsuccessful.
Step 2 - Gather evidence
Once you have instructed lawyers, it is time to gather all of your information. The more evidence you have to prove that your employer was negligent or that the accident was your employer's fault, the better. CCTV, witness statements, accident reports, and medical reports are excellent starting points. You should also provide documentation to prove loss of earnings and any occupational therapy assessments that comment on your condition, recovery prospects, and ability to return to work.
Step 3 - File your claim
Next, your lawyer will lodge a claim and negotiate on your behalf. They will negotiate with your employer's insurance company or any internal insurers.
Step 4 - Negotiate
You don't have much to do during the negotiation stage, as your lawyer will handle this for you. Negotiations are usually in an office-based meeting. You will need to attend, along with your solicitor, a barrister, and the insurance company and lawyer or your workplace.
At the negotiation, you might be quickly offered a settlement figure, or it might drag on. You are within your right to reject any settlement figures at this stage, especially if you feel you deserve more money. Your lawyer will be on hand to advise you of any figures offered and whether they think you can push for a higher amount.
In some cases, proceedings can be taken to court, where a judge will decide on the outcome. This can increase the time it takes to reach a decision, but if your employer is negligent, taking them to court can see hefty fines or fees, along with being ordered to pay you compensation.
Step 5 - Settlement
Should your claim be successful, you will receive a lump-sum, tax-free settlement. The amount varies depending on your injury, the impact it has made on your work, and any medical expenses you have had to pay. Your solicitor will also deduct any legal fees from your lump sum.
Final thoughts
Losing a finger or fingers at work is far more common than you might think, but that doesn't mean you aren't entitled to compensation. By following the guidance in today's article, you can get the compensation you deserve and hold your employers responsible.
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