Starting a business FAQs
Frequently asked questions on starting a business for sole traders, limited companies and partnerships.
Frequently asked questions on starting a business for sole traders, limited companies and partnerships.
There are several pieces of legislation that apply to pony trekking businesses. They cover areas such as licensing, food safety, and the protection of animals.
As well as general company admin, directors are ultimately responsible for ensuring the company complies with the law, including the Companies Acts.
It's a common misconception that to become a plc you have to float your company on the Stock Exchange. Discover how you can become a PLC too.
Working time regulations safeguard employee health and safety. Our guide to holidays, breaks, night work and other working time employee rights.
How to get a licence to offer credit to consumers and businesses, drawing up a credit agreement and the costs and implications involved.
Your business could be sued because of an accident, mistake or misunderstanding. If you're facing a legal claim, here's how to handle being taken to court.
Buying premises may be one of the largest investments you make in your business. Understand the process and have all the legal bases covered.
A risk assessment identifies the risks posed by your workplace, practices and processes. This checklist helps you identify, eliminate or reduce them.
Public bodies have to release information they hold on you. These tips will make sure nothing confidential gets into the public domain inadvertently.
Your business almost certainly owns some form of IP. Read our essential guide to tracking, protecting and profiting from your intellectual property.
Establishing the value of your business is tricky. This guide looks at how to get an idea of what your business is worth and achieve the best sale price.