Starting up

A trendy looking man works on his start up business plan


Starting a business FAQs

Frequently asked questions on starting a business for sole traders, limited companies and partnerships.

Sector specific law

Three people trekking on ponies along a beach with the sunset in background


Pony trekking legal issues

There are several pieces of legislation that apply to pony trekking businesses. They cover areas such as licensing, food safety, and the protection of animals.

Business ownership and management

Female company administrator in a grey suit writing on a notepad


Company administration FAQs

As well as general company admin, directors are ultimately responsible for ensuring the company complies with the law, including the Companies Acts.

Finance and business strategy

A private company owner checking details and discussing the business


Becoming a PLC without a listing

It's a common misconception that to become a plc you have to float your company on the Stock Exchange. Discover how you can become a PLC too.

Employment law

Marketing and selling

A couple apply for consumer credit to make a purchase


Consumer credit FAQs

How to get a licence to offer credit to consumers and businesses, drawing up a credit agreement and the costs and implications involved.

Contracts, disputes

Being sued


Essential guide to being sued

Your business could be sued because of an accident, mistake or misunderstanding. If you're facing a legal claim, here's how to handle being taken to court.

Commercial premises law

Two men shake hands over a new property purchase


Buying premises FAQs

Buying premises may be one of the largest investments you make in your business. Understand the process and have all the legal bases covered.

Health and safety

Data protection and IT

Intellectual property

Exit strategies

Using a notepad and calculator to work out a value


What is my business worth?

Establishing the value of your business is tricky. This guide looks at how to get an idea of what your business is worth and achieve the best sale price.