Starting up

Piece of paper with 'Franchise' written in red ink with a list written underneath


Essential guide to buying a franchise

Franchising allows you to set up a business following a proven formula - although you'll be subject to restrictions. Our guide to franchising.

Sector specific law

Business ownership and management

Finance and business strategy

Businesswoman reading letter looking troubled


Insolvency FAQs

Frequently asked questions about insolvency, including how you can reduce the risks and what to do if you or your business becomes insolvent

Employment law

A manager consults with staff over workplace changes


Information and consultation FAQs

FAQs on your responsibilities to inform and consult with employees when you make business changes, if you have more than 50 employees.

Marketing and selling

Contracts, disputes

Card payment machine being used in a warehouse


Overseas customers - getting paid

Selling to overseas customers can be good for growth, but the risk of non-payment is higher. Find out what steps you can take to ensure you get paid.

Commercial premises law

Smart commercial premises


Your options for getting out of a lease

If you want to get out of a lease, perhaps because you have found great new premises or you can no longer afford your existing property, what are your options? Know the barriers to getting out of a leave and how to overcome them.

Health and safety

Data protection and IT

A shop displaying rows of laptops and computer monitors


Purchasing IT FAQs

How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.

Intellectual property

Blue computer keyboard with register a trademark written on a red key


How to register a trade mark

If a trademark is to be registered, whether a word, logo, shape, sound or smell, it must be represented graphically on the application form

Exit strategies