Starting up

Two business people in blue shirts working together at a table


Essential guide to forming a business

When you set up your business, it pays to get the legal structure right from the start. Read our guide to your options and what you need to consider.

Sector specific law

Business ownership and management

Finance and business strategy

Adding up financial figures


Essential guide to insolvency

If your company has debts it can't pay, it's insolvent. By understanding your options, you can take steps to improve the situation. Read our guide.

Employment law

Woman in glasses sat at a desk using her laptop whilst working from home


Flexible working FAQs

FAQs about flexible working, including employee rights to request flexible working and your obligations when it comes to granting requests.

Marketing and selling

Entrepreneur checks and dispatches the orders he received via his ecommerce site


Trading online FAQs

When selling online to individuals you must provide certain information to them and ensure they agree to your terms and conditions.

Contracts, disputes

Card payment machine being used in a warehouse


Overseas customers - getting paid

Selling to overseas customers can be good for growth, but the risk of non-payment is higher. Find out what steps you can take to ensure you get paid.

Commercial premises law

Premises keys with house-shaped keying


Essential guide to renting premises

Most businesses rent their premises, either through a lease or a licence, as it's flexible and ties up minimal capital. Our guide to what to consider.

Health and safety

Data protection and IT

A shop displaying rows of laptops and computer monitors


Purchasing IT FAQs

How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.

Intellectual property

A man is about to read a non-disclosure agreement


Q&A: Non-disclosure agreements

What are non-disclosure agreements and how they can protect small businesses? Alex Craig, Head of Commercial at Muckle LLP explains.

Exit strategies

Two business people looking at information and performing calculations


Essential guide to valuing a business

The worth of a business is based on how much profit a buyer can make from it, and the potential risks. Read our guide to valuing your business.