Essential guide to buying a franchise
Franchising allows you to set up a business following a proven formula - although you'll be subject to restrictions. Our guide to franchising.
Franchising allows you to set up a business following a proven formula - although you'll be subject to restrictions. Our guide to franchising.
Some of the key areas where legislation is likely to affect your livery stables are listed below.
Boardroom and shareholder disputes can arise for many reasons. Understanding the legal rights of everyone involved and the options available.
If your company has debts it can't pay, it's insolvent. By understanding your options, you can take steps to improve the situation. Read our guide.
Read our frequently asked questions about making employees redundant, including what procedures to follow and alternatives to consider.
Are you handling customer data legally and is your marketing database up to code? Find out with this checklist.
Selling to overseas customers can be good for growth, but the risk of non-payment is higher. Find out what steps you can take to ensure you get paid.
Commercial tenants with older leases wanting to sublet can find their lease tricky to get out of. Find out how to overcome these problems.
Our guide to health and safety risk assessment, including the most common risks and how to manage them, and what paperwork you need to keep.
How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.
If a trademark is to be registered, whether a word, logo, shape, sound or smell, it must be represented graphically on the application form
Selling your business can be difficult and stressful. This guide will help you find the right buyer, negotiate the sale and complete due diligence.