You need to check you are paying your employees or workers the correct rates of pay
There are different rates of minimum and statutory pay that they may be entitled to - such as sick or holiday pay, the national minimum wage or statutory pay for expectant and new parents. Most rates change annually and the penalties for not paying the correct rates can be hefty.
Check the latest rates below.
National Minimum and National Living Wage
Variable depending on the employee's age and apprenticeship status
Almost all employees and workers are entitled to the minimum wage. The rate payable depends on an employee's age. Workers under school age do not qualify for the National Minimum Wage. The apprentice rate applies to apprentices under 19 or over 19 and in the first year of their apprenticeship.
- £10.44 per hour for those aged 21 and over
- £8.60 per hour for those aged 18 to 20
- £6.40 per hour for those aged 16 and 17
- £6.40 per hour for apprentices aged under 19 or other 19 but in the first year of their apprenticeship
Some businesses pay the National Living Wage which is £12.00 per hour (£13.15 an hour for those working in London).
Use the National Minimum Wage and Living Wage calculator on the GOV.UK website to make use you're paying the right rates.
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
£116.75 per week
You must pay SSP if you pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions for your employee (or would do if not for their age or their level of earnings). To qualify, the employee must be off work for four or more days (including non-working days). SSP is payable at £116.75 per week and is payable for up to 28 weeks. Some companies pay more than the statutory minimum.
Calculate your employee's statutory sick pay on the GOV.UK website.
Statutory Maternity and Statutory Adoption Pay (SMP/SAP)
£184.03 per week
Payable to qualifying employees at 90% of average weekly earnings for six weeks then £184.03 per week or 90% of weekly earnings (whichever is lower) for a further 33 weeks.
Statutory Paternity Pay (SPP)
£184.03 per week
Payable to qualifying employees for two weeks (which can be taken together or separately) at £184.03 per week. The pay and leave must be taken within 52 weeks of the child's birth or placement in the case of adoptions.
Calculate your employee's maternity, paternity or adoption pay on the GOV.UK website.
Statutory Shared Parental Pay (SSPP)
£184.03 per week
Payable for 39 weeks to eligible employees at £184.03 or 90% of average weekly pay (whichever is lower).
Check whether your employee is entitled to Statutory Shared Parental leave and pay on the GOV.UK website.
Maternity Allowance
This is paid via JobCentre Plus to mothers who do not qualify for SMP. The amount payable depends on the employee's employment status and earnings in the previous 66 weeks.
Find information for workers on Maternity Allowance on the GOV.UK website.
Parental bereavement pay
£184.03 per week
Employees that suffer a still birth or the death of a child aged under 18 are entitled to two weeks' paid leave. Leave is unpaid for all other workers.
Statutory holiday pay
Almost all workers are entitled to 5.6 weeks' paid holiday per year including bank holidays (pro rata for part-time workers). This is the minimum amount payable. Some employers offer more generous holiday entitlement.
Read guidance on calculating holiday leave and pay entitlement on the GOV.UK website.
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