Every business has an environmental impact. This checklist helps you assess the impact you have and the changes you can make to minimise that damage.
- Assess the environmental impact of the materials and energy you use, the waste and emissions you produce, your transport operations and the products you supply.
- Consider the potential risks of an accident; check whether you are insured against environmental risks.
- Investigate the regulations which apply to your business, and any forthcoming changes. If required, seek help from a specialist environmental solicitor.
- Find out what customers and employees expect, and how better environmental performance could improve your marketing and recruitment.
- Decide whether you should implement a formal standard such as ISO 14001.
- Ask key suppliers of materials, utilities and equipment how they can contribute to your environmental efforts.
- Find out what help and advice - often free - is offered by organisations such as the Environment Agency, WRAP, your local authority and your trade association.
- Design products to minimise waste, packaging and the use of environmentally unfriendly materials and production processes.
- Store and dispose of waste safely; ensure your waste collector is registered to handle your form of waste, and does so properly.
- Encourage employees to save energy; consider investing in energy-efficient equipment.
- Ensure that any discharges and emissions, and other effects such as noise or dust from your business, are minimised or eliminated if possible.
- Prepare an action plan to deal with any shortcomings.
- Review the environmental impact before committing to new projects.
- Communicate your environmental commitment to customers and others through your product labelling, PR and other promotional efforts.