Choosing a business name FAQs
Your business name can be a valuable asset you can include in your balance sheet, sell, mortgage to raise money or license to others.
Your business name can be a valuable asset you can include in your balance sheet, sell, mortgage to raise money or license to others.
Summary of key areas of legislation likely to affect a car valeter.
New directors are likely to require some key information and training when they are first appointed, including on their role and responsibilities.
Different ways two or more businesses can work together, and the most important legal and other issues that need to be addressed.
When you take on a new member of staff, there are an initial six tasks you need to carry out to ensure you comply with the law.
When selling online to individuals you must provide certain information to them and ensure they agree to your terms and conditions.
Selling to overseas customers can be good for growth, but the risk of non-payment is higher. Find out what steps you can take to ensure you get paid.
Rent reviews are a mechanism for adjusting a tenant’s rent to the current market level. You negotiate a rent review with your landlord.
Our guide to health and safety risk assessment, including the most common risks and how to manage them, and what paperwork you need to keep.
How to go about purchasing hardware, software and IT systems for your business, licensing and what to do if your IT solution fails to work properly.
What you need to know if you are considering patenting your invention, including why you should do it, using an agent and the costs involved
Many entrepreneurs form a business with the aim of passing it on to a family member. These FAQs answer the key issues on managing a family succession.